Diamond, Topaz and Sapphire Classes

In Diamond, Topaz and Sapphire, we encourage children to be active and independent learners through a wide and varied curriculum. Children are taught reasoning and problem solving skills in maths and are encouraged to use sentence structures to develop a deeper understanding. In literacy, key texts are used to teach reading and writing skills and to promote a love for reading. Our topics are diverse to reflect our community and we will learn about local heroes that have made an impact in our local area and beyond!



Class Teacher: Miss Gwenlen 

Teaching Assistant: Miss Ornelas, Miss Kaur and Miss Miminoshvili 



Class Teacher: Miss Harwood

Teaching Assistant: Miss Kayondo



Class Teacher: Miss Johnston

Teaching Assistant: Miss Allen


Important information


On PE days, the children should come to school in their school PE kit - dark shorts/jogging bottoms, a white t-shirt and trainers, to be worn with their school jumper. 


Lessons are on Monday and Thursday.


Homework is set every week on Fridays. Please read ParentHub to find the information on homework. It is important for the children to read every day from the book they take home and from the selection of books on Bug Club. Please discuss the text they have read and ask questions on what they have read. This will help them understand the text even deeper. Once you have read, please leave a comment in their reading record. Children need to bring in their school reading books every day along with their reading record as they will be read with by an adult throughout the week. They also need to ensure they are bringing it in so they can change their books weekly.

IPC Topics

This term’s topic is ‘Who am I?’ We are learning all about ourselves –where we are from, what we like and dislike, what makes us ‘us’. This links with our science topic where we are learning about the human body.

Our topics for this year are:

We are what we eat

We will learn about recipes from the past and present, have an international food day and make fruit salads. This is linked to the science topic where we look at healthy eating.

The Magic Toymaker

We will design and make our own toy, learn about toys from the past and compare them to those we have now. This is linked to the science topic where we look at materials.

Green fingers

We will be looking at habitats, drawing landscapes and pictures of plants. This is linked to the science topic where we look at plants.

Water world

We will be designing and making boats. This is linked to the science topic where we look at seasons.

Treasure Island

We will be learning about different countries, learning map skills and learning about the different countries pirates visited.