Quartz, Pearl and Emerald classes
In Quartz, Pearl and Emerald we are creative, ambitious and enthusiastic about our learning. We focus on deepening the children's mastery of key literacy and maths skills, and encourage them to make connections between the topics we explore and to ask questions to develop their enquiry skills.
Class Teacher: Miss Coker
Teaching Assistant: Miss Acheampong Mr Gyiman
Class Teacher: Miss Hartnell
Teaching Assistant: Miss Martin / Miss Acheampong
Class Teacher: Miss Odomuso
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Honor and Mr Tecimener and Miss Xhafferaj
Important information
2RJ - Monday and Tuesday
2CH – Tuesday and Thursday
On PE days, the children should come to school in their school PE kit - dark shorts/jogging bottoms, a white t-shirt and trainers, to be worn with their school jumper.
Lessons for both classes are on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Please make sure Violins are brought back into school every Monday ready for all lessons, they will be sent home at the end of the week so that your children can practise over the weekend.
Homework is set on Friday afternoon on Google Classroom. The children are expected to read a book or access Bug Club every day and discuss their reading at home to reinforce their understanding and enhance their enjoyment. They should have their reading record signed by an adult at home daily.
IPC topics
This term’s topic is ‘How are you?’. We will be learning all about how to keep healthy. We will find out about what makes a healthy diet. Different types of exercise. Why we need sleep? And why it is important to keep clean? This links with this terms science topic, Animals including Humans, where we will also be learning about how humans grow and change over their lives. For English we will be exploring different versions of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. To learn about different text types and grammatical features.
Our IPC topics for this year are:
How are you? – Finding out about how humans stay healthy.
People of the past – Learning about significant people from history.
Our world – Discovering why it’s important that we look after our world and how we can keep it safe so we can all live healthily and enjoy it.
All dressed up - Discovering the important role clothes play in the lives of people around the world.